
These lineart frames were designed with coordination in mind. They match perfectly with the Patterns ‘n’ Kaleidoscopes Volume 2 Pack, but they can also be used as standalone frames for printables, POD projects, coloring books, journals, and more.

There 200 frames in total, and each frame is available in jpg and png file formats.

Use the designs in a number of creative ways, including: making coloring books, journals, planners, scrapbooking pages, greeting cards, notecards, and other crafty projects.


These lineart frames were designed with coordination in mind. They match perfectly with the Patterns ‘n’ Kaleidoscopes Volume 2 Pack, but they can also be used as standalone frames for printables, POD projects, coloring books, journals, and more.

There 200 frames in total, and each frame is available in jpg and png file formats.

There are four types of frames:

  • 50 Rectangle Frames with Oval-Shaped Middles
  • 50 Rectangle Frames with Rectangular Middles
  • 50 Square Frames with Circular Middles
  • 50 Square Frames with Square-Shaped Middles

You could use the designs in a number of creative ways, including:

  • Printing the designs for your own use and coloring them;
  • Creating your own adult coloring books;
  • Creating your own journals;
  • Creating your own coloring cards to sell or to give as gifts;
  • Printing the designs on fabric (like t-shirts and pillowcases) for coloring with fabric markers;
  • Making your own branded coloring books to give or sell to your clients or students;
  • Making coloring books for your family and friends for easy gift giving;
  • Starting a coloring membership site;
  • Beginning an adult coloring club and charging a fee;
  • Using the designs as a bonus for an existing product;
  • Using the designs as an upsell to an existing product;
  • Using your own branded coloring books for fundraisers;
  • Making coloring bookmarks;
  • Using these designs along with other design assets you own;
  • Combining the designs with journal pages, puzzles, typography, and other activities to create an activity book;
  • and SO much more!

What are my rights with these designs?

What you MAY do:
[YES] May use on websites you own
[YES] May edit and brand as your own
[YES] May use to create NON PLR books, journals, cards, and more
[YES] May use in an autoresponder series
[YES] May edit any way you want
[YES] May put your name/brand on them
[YES] May distribute on NON PLR membership sites you own
[YES] May add as a bonus to an existing product
[YES] May sell individual designs
[YES] May sell on third-party websites as long as you first modify the designs

What you MAY NOT do:
[NO] May NOT sell or give away with PLR rights
[NO] May NOT sell or give away with Master Resell Rights
[NO] May NOT sell or give away with Resell Rights
[NO] May NOT list or sell on auction sites
[NO] May NOT share the source documents with anyone in any way
[NO] May NOT use my name (Teresa Nichole Thomas), company name (Zen PLR), or my brands in any way