Wait! Before you finish your order…
Do you want to have a new Unicorns Activity Book up for sale as quickly as possible?
You can do just that when you add the DFY Unicorns Activity Books pack to your order!

DFY Unicorns Activity Books
Skip the design, and have a new activity book up for sale within minutes after your purchase! Add the DFY Unicorns Activity Books pack to your order, make a few changes using the included checklist, and start bringing in sales!
Get it now for just $17.00, or please keep reading for more information.
Get the Upgrade!
This pack includes:
- 2 Done-For-You Activity Books (1 Digital and 1 Print)
- 1 Set of Digital Covers (Front and Back)
- 1 Set of Blank Digital Covers (Front and Back)
- 1 Ready-to-Go POD Cover
- 1 Blank POD Cover
- A Checklist to help you put your own unique twist on your new activity book
- OFL Fonts Used to Create the Books
- 3 3-D Images for Sales Letters and Other Marketing Needs (1 Paperback, 1 Paperback Stack, and 1 Spiral)
- 3 File Formats: odg, pdf, and ppt for easy editing
The pack comes with full PLR and can be used in your low content POD projects.
What could you do with this PLR pack?
You can use it in many ways, including:
- Printing the designs for your own use;
- Creating your own activity books;
- Creating planners for yourself or for gifts;
- Making your own branded journals to give or sell to your clients or students;
- Making activity books for your family and friends for easy gift giving;
- Starting an activity or puzzle membership site;
- Beginning a journaling club and charging a fee;
- Using your branded activity books as a bonus for an existing product;
- Using your branded activity books as an upsell to an existing product;
- Using your own branded journals and planners for fundraisers;
- Designing your own coloring books;
- Using these designs along with other designs you own to create totally new activity books, journals, journal pages, planners, planner pages, and coloring books;
- and SO much more!
Below are your rights when you purchase the DFY Unicorns Activity Books PLR Pack.
What you MAY do:
[YES] May use on websites you own
[YES] May edit and brand as your own
[YES] May use to create NON PLR activity books
[YES] May use in an autoresponder series
[YES] May edit any way you want
[YES] May put your name/brand on them
[YES] May distribute on NON PLR membership sites you own
[YES] May add as a bonus to an existing product
[YES] May sell on third-party websites as long as you first modify the designs
What you MAY NOT do:
[NO] May NOT sell or give away with PLR rights
[NO] May NOT sell or give away with Master Resell Rights
[NO] May NOT sell or give away with Resell Rights
[NO] May NOT list or sell on auction sites
[NO] May NOT share the source documents with anyone in any way
[NO] May NOT sell individual designs
[NO] May NOT use my name (Teresa Nichole Thomas), company name (Zen PLR), or my brands in any way.
Yes, please add the DFY Unicorns Activity Books to my order for $17.00!
No, thank you! I understand that I will not see this special offer again.