Hi, my name is Teresa Nichole Thomas, and have been passionate about all things crafty–whether physical or digital–since I was a young girl. I especially LOVE graphic design…so much so that I have been doing it for nearly thirty years!
I have carried this passion into adulthood, and when I discovered adult coloring books, I was SO excited and knew I had to create and publish my own books! I did a bit of research and found the best teacher out there to teach me how to make beautiful, sharp designs.
Once I got the hang of that, I learned how to make different types of puzzles, and later I began designing journals and planners. I have also designed hundreds of beading tutorials, created numerous digital scrapbooking pages, and developed various new Vegan recipes.
When I am not creating, I use my other passion of healthy eating to show others that healthy food can be delightful and interesting (in a good way) and can taste fabulous. Because of this passion and my own struggles with food, I became a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach (CTNC) in January 2014 and a Master CTNC in July 2018. In this role, I help women who are struggling to lose weight to finally lose it once and for all.
Through my passions, I strive for balance and hope to inspire and encourage all those I encounter to always find what makes their hearts and souls sing, to be authentic, and to follow their hearts.